Sep 22, 2024

Who is God and is He real?

Discover who God is and explore the evidence of His existence through biblical truths and personal testimonies.

Who is God and is He real?

Who is God and is He real?

Who is God? 

The Bible tells us that God is the Creator of the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). He is eternal, all-powerful, all-knowing, and ever-present. The Bible reveals His nature through His actions and His relationship with humanity. God is described as loving (1 John 4:8), just (Psalm 89:14), merciful (Ephesians 2:4-5), and holy (Isaiah 6:3). He made mankind to be in community with Him, and when we sinned and broke that bond, He lovingly made a way of restoration through the greatest sacrifice ever made. Romans 5:8 tells us, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Without this sacrifice, we would not be able to experience eternal life with Him, but because of His love, He has made a way for us to be with Him forever. If you want to understand more about who God is, begin with reading the Bible and seeking a personal relationship with Him.

Is God real? 

Yes! God wants to know you and be known by you, and there are several ways you can explore who He is.

1. The Bible
The Bible is a great place to start, giving numerous accounts of God’s interactions with humanity and demonstrating His reality and presence. The stories of the Bible show God’s heart for humanity and explain the bigger story of how He is bringing hope to the world as He restores it and makes all things new again.  We invite you to check out some of our teachings from the Bible and learn more on our sermons page.

2. Creation
We can also experience God’s presence through the evidence of His work in creation. Romans 1:20 says, "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." Spending time meditating on the beauty of the created world can lead us to a deeper understanding of the One who made it all.

3. Testimony of believers
Every week at Trinity, we come together as a room of believers to testify to the transforming work that God is doing in us. We invite you to visit on a Sunday to hear more about the difference Jesus is making in our lives.

To truly know if God is real, you must seek Him with a sincere desire to know Him. Jeremiah 29:13 promises, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." God is real and He is knowable. If you want to learn more about God, we have several ways you can do that at Trinity:

  • Watch sermons that teach about the Christian faith
  • Check out a community group that walks through the Bible together, prays for each other, and explores faith together
  • Meet with someone from our church with any questions you may have or to pray with someone